sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

Where are my circuits?

I have made a request to someone to help me with the circuits to this device and finally one of the electric engineers that I contacted, contacted me via email the other night.  I will keep his name confidential unless he gives me permission to release it as to avoid him being ridiculed.  He is in his final weeks in his masters in electrical engineering and as you know, any true academic wanting to get publicly involved in this line of work runs the risk of ridicule.  It is only once this person has success that he or she can show his or her work.  This is also when people come out of the wood work and say, "I believed in him all along." 

Back to the electric engineer.  He was asking me a series of questions like, what am I basing my beliefs that this project will work, what do I know about electricity, chemical compositions, etc.  I must say that I rather enjoyed all the questions he was asking as it gave me a chance to elaborate on what I do know and express without shame the stuff I do not know.  The stuff I don't know is the best as it gives me the greatest opportunity to learn and discover new things.  It reminds me of something that the chief scientist at Lockheed Martin said during an interview with David Sereda.  I won't try to quote him exactly but it went something like: If you know something, I don't want to talk to you as "It" is already in production but if you wonder about something, if you are curious, now we have a wonderful place to start.  I admit I am horrible with quotes so if I really botched it, I am sorry. 

In my last blog, I didn't elaborate much on the gravity shielding coil and I make a lot of assumptions regarding who is reading this blog.  I assume that if you are interested in anti-gravity, you probably did a lot of research into anti-gravity before coming upon my blog.  I also made the assumption that you have watched tons of videos and read mountains of web pages and or books related to the field.  Well as my father always used to say, "when you assume, you make an Ass out of you and me (ass U me)."  Here is where I make my apology and try to shed some light on what it is I am doing.  My coils are arranged in a configuration so as to direct the electromagnetic energy from the top to the bottom and then recycle the same energy up through the top again.  Although I do not totally understand the mathematics of Lentz Law, I am attempting to utilize the principles throughout this apparatus.  As the electromagnetic fields are smashing into one another and growing at odd angles, the magnetic fields will be in a constant battle to correct themselves.  This battle will result in an energy that has to go somewhere.  This force is unseen and begins at the sub-atomic level where even the materials that I am using will undergo a subtle change.  When the battle for change becomes too great around the area of the device, I am hoping to see either levitation or more realistic, a small change in weight. 

Speaking of weight loss, I have plans once the device is charged with the appropriate circuitry to take this to a nearby university and use one of their scientific scales.  If I can prove that this device is indeed exhibiting a loss in weight, I will have the proof I need to take this experiment to phase two.  Phase two is where I build a duplicate model but twice the size.  Using the same circuitry and same amount of power, connect it to the larger device.  If this shows an exponential weight loss, then I have enough proof to ask for funding and build the full size version which can be either car sized or better.  

I did want to take this opportunity to ask that if any other electric engineer wants to volunteer his or her thoughts and lend a hand, please post your comments here and let me know how we can be in contact. 

I know that there is much more that I have not included in this blog but as I know how to put into words what is in my mind, I will share more. 

Thank you for reading.
Sirius 8 light years

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