viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

What, 2010 and no anti-gravity yet!?

What, 2010 and no anti-gravity yet!?

Here we are in the year 2010 and we still (as the general public) do not have anti-gravity. Why? As I was walking home from work and passing in front of the National Auditorium in Mexico City, I couldn’t help but notice the grandiosity of it. After noticing the grandeur of the auditorium, I took notice of the surrounding skyscrapers. This made me wonder, if the people could coordinate an effort of this magnitude to erect such large structures or buildings, why then could we, as the general public not work together to create a ship capable of electro-gravitic propulsion?

Putting aside the fact that we do have the technology, albeit in secret, I believe the reason is that we, as a society, are being dumbed down. We have many things to discourage us from believing that this (anti-gravity) is even possible. Tactics such as disinformation is a powerful weapon to confuse us. The military and our own governments attempt to convince us that they do not possess this technology and later plant in one way or another that these ships that people are indeed witnessing must use extra-terrestrial technology. They then, with the same breath of air say that extra-terrestrials do not exist. Look at George Orwell’s 1984. I believe that they called that “double speak”. Next is what I like to call text book science. This is a confusing message sent to our youth perpetrated by unknowing, well intentioned teachers. This text book science tells our youth to discover, discover, discover yet subtly has them believe that all there is in the text book is the limit to science. They put up the imaginary wall without even saying there is a wall ahead. I don’t blame these teachers. They had the same teachers that did it to them. Scientists come upon this limit in two ways. 1.) There job only requires that they use what they know and nothing more. 2.) If a scientist suggests that this limit can be penetrated, he or she is subjected to ridicule which could have the consequence of him or her loosing work, credibility, or both.

Humans are incredible creatures. We are fragile entities yet powerful when put together for a common goal. Really, there is nothing we can’t do when we are truly unified. Just imagine that instead of coordinating an effort to erect a large building, we banded together to build a large ship based on electro-gravitic propulsion.

In closing, I leave you with this. The sky is not the limit but just a thin layer of light blue on a sunny day and nothing more.

1 comentario:

  1. You are not alone, I have been playing with gravity for years. Check out my youtube videos under bobdavis321
