martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Ugly coil, interesting discovery

I did some experimenting today and made an interesting discovery.  I will let the true scientists tell me what it means.  All I will do here is tell you what I did and what the results were.  Over the weekend, I made a new Rodin coil and is it ever ugly.  I used an 8 inch hose taped together with electrician tape.  I then stripped a very heavy guage wire(what guage? I don't have the slightest idea.) to wind one Rodin coil style wind one way and then the second wind in the other direction according to the Rodin coil directions. The whole contraption looks like a rusty bicycle tire.   
I conected the coil to my AC power supply (a battery charger) and held two neodym magnets in my hand six inches above this new coil.  I could feel a strong vibration coming from my hand as a result of the eminating magnetic field. On monday, I put aligator clips on another power supply that I have that puts out 5.1 volts 2 amps DC.  I tested this coil in the same manner today using this DC power supply.  I held the magnets in my hand about 6 inches above the coil and felt nothing.  I tested the power supply on my smaller Rodin coil and it functioned fine.  I placed the neodym magnets in the center of the coil on my "workbench" and connected the negative wire to the negative connection and touched the positive conection with the power supply wires to the positive terminal of the coil.  I saw the magnets move slightly only to stop immediately.  I thought it might be a short but was not sure.  I decided to try the in hand experiment again but this time, I manually pulsed the DC current by hand while holding the other hand six inches above the coil with the neodyms.  As I tapped the positive connection, I felt the same motion in my hand with the magnets.  It wasn't just that I could feel the pulsing of the magnets but rather it felt like waves pulsing cresting, peaking, and then resting to neutral with each pulse.  I am begining to understand that DC by itself is useless but when you add the pulsing action, the strength of the electromagnetic field appears much stronger for the moments that the pulse peaks.  I hope this information helps anyone else performing the same types of experiments.  
Thank you,
Sirius 8 Light Years 

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