jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

New, Improved and more powerful.

Well, with another trip to town center, I finally was able to purchase about 30 meters of magnetic wire and as impatient as I am, I wound my new Rodin coil with a total of 12 turns for each section of the Rodin coil. It isn’t the 27 turns I was hoping for but I had a chance to test it on a small neo-dim magnet I purchased while I was in town. I connected both sections to my old battery charger (and yes I was able to get it working again) and watched as the neo-dim magnet spin to life and then cling to the side of the coil wires. How exciting! It will be more exciting when I finally purchase the DC power supply and create the dual phased circuitry.

Now that that phase is complete it is time to start working on some new types of coils that I hope to have completed within a month. These new coils are based on the work of Stan Deyo and are a scaled down smaller version. Those who are not familiar with Stan Deyo’s work can watch all of his videos on YouTube to understand what I am trying to achieve. I am using the center portion of used rolls of tape, one a bit larger than the one in the center to create a coil that uses right angles. See fig. 1. I then will use electrician tape to insulate the entire coil before winding the device. See fig. 2. I will be using flat copper from sheeting and pulsing voltage alternating between the two wound sections of wire. I am shooting for 27 winds in both directions thus forming an X pattern. Anyone familiar with Deyo’s work knows exactly what I am talking about.


Those who have read my blog up to this point may have discovered that I don’t like to reinvent the wheel and I borrow freely from other people in the field. I make no apologies about this nor do I feel bad in doing so. What I am trying to do is piece together all information related to anti-gravity and attempt to carry out these experiments rather than theorize or hypothesize on paper weather they will work or not. On paper, anti-gravity is useless and does not exist. In my hands, building, using trial and error, with what ever materials are available to me, anti-gravity is a definite possibility. Keep coming back as I add more and more experiments to the blog.

Ok, now it is time for shameless begging. I am looking for donations. No, I don’t mean money, although money would be nice, I am referring to donations of broken electrical items, aluminum cans (uncrushed and clean), 3 liter plastic soda bottles, electric tape, and any amounts of wire or copper sheeting. This all implies that you live in Mexico City otherwise you would have to send it via mail and frankly, that just cost too much money. With that, I thank you and encourage you to be a follower (seguidor) of this blog. Together we will create anti-gravity.

Sirius 8 LY

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