domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

Lack of money should not be a limit to imagination or discovery

I am writing this article from Mexico city and I wish to remain anonymous. Therefore I am simply going by Sirius8ly. I chose that name from my astronomical observing days when I would marvel at how Sirius would sparkle like a brilliant colorful diamond alternating between red, blue, green in rapid succession.

Anti-gravity has been a life long fascination with me and at 40 years of age, the fascination has only grown with the years. I make it clear that I do believe that extra terrestrials exist but I view this subject with a skeptical eye and firmly do not believe that all the UFO's that have been sighted are from other worlds but rather are private sector crafts. This blog is being created to invite a community of curious minds to volunteer/share ideas and maybe learn some things about anti-gravity along the way. If you noticed by the title of my blog "Antigravity on a shoestring budget" I wanted to share the fact that I work as an Teacher on a Mexican salary, which is not much, and in Mexico city, aside from salaries being really pathetically low, items cost an arm and a leg not to mention electronic devices. The culture here is very different from that of the United states when it comes to sciences of this nature. With that said, you do not find many science based toys in the stores nor things to stimulate the minds into curiosity about space travel, levitation, etc.

In this blog I will provide links to interesting sight related to anti-gravity as well as show the progressions of my experiments which I am carrying out with little to no money. I began my experiments about 2 months ago by putting together a Rodin coil (my first electro magnetic coil) designed by Marko Rodin. You can find information on how to build a Rodin Coil on YouTube by following this link: . From here you can find a variety of other related sights on constructing a Rodin coil. In learning about the Rodin coil and some of the mathematics related to the coil, I began to have a basic understanding on how anti-gravity may possibly function. I will let you draw your own conclusions as you explore the many web sites on this theme. I would like to warn you that there is a great deal of disinformation as well as non-sense so be as objective as possible and don't take every thing as the truth. I cite the case of Bob Lazar on anti-gravity. While Bob Lazar may have actually worked at area 51 or 52 or whatever, I believe that his story is fantastic but I don't buy it in its entirety. It feels as if there is some truth to what he says which makes his story sound so credible. I do, however, need information like that of Bob Lazar as there are hidden clues with in the disinformation and lies that can be sifted through to gain clues that may help you in your own investigation.

I built my first Rodin coil using a plastic hose which I bought for 15 pesos (roughly $1.20). I would have rather used a torus from the Fischer Price ring toy but I couldn't spend the 125 pesos ($10) on it and you can't just find things like that very often in the open market because almost nobody throws things like that away. Speaking of not throwing things away, you can hardly salvage anything which is another one of my many obstacles. If you want to obtain surplus items, good luck. When something breaks down here, the people either have them repaired or sell them to the vendedores de Fierros (scrap iron sellers). So if you want to get a broken down microwave or a non functioning washing machine motor, you have to pay for it. I am used to living in a throw away society which in itself is not a good thing until you want what other people are throwing away. I mean, think about it, who wants to pay for a broken down microwave oven? Absurd! Well not so absurd here. It makes perfect sense and is better for the environment when you are not used to living in a throw away society and in an economic system that does not benefit the local community. My Rodin coil was 8.5 inches in diameter and was supposed to consist of at least 13 winds but on the 5th wind, my magnetic wire broke and so I was forced to settle on 5 winds thus reducing the overall electro-magnetic field. I plan on creating a Rodin coil with at least 27 winds using pulsed alternating current at a very high frequency. The coil wire I purchased in Mexico City center cost 3 pesos per meter and I obtained 20 meters.

I had not received my pay and was anxious to build a smaller coil but with more winds but how was I going to build a new coil if I had no money to buy a torus? In Mexico, the people have this beautiful ability to invent things out of practically anything to suit their needs rather than rushing to the store to buy this or that. I had to adopt the same thinking if I was going to continue in my endeavors of building an anti-gravity drive system with little to no money. I searched the storage of the house that I am living at in an attempt to find something that would work. I found nothing outside so I began a new search in mine and my wife's bedroom. I saw the new box of play-doh and it was clear what I needed to do. I grabbed a can of tuna from the cupboard and started to form a tube of play-doh around the tuna can until I had the rough form of a torus like that of the Fischer Price ring toy. I sat the torus shaped play-doh outside in the hot sun for an hour. When it was sufficiently hard (but not too hard) I brought it into the house and wrapped the play-doh torus with electric tape. The new play-doh torus was perfect as it was rigid enough to hold the wires yet flexible enough to allow the penetration of the guide pins. I took the magnetic wire off the older coil that I had constructed and wound them on the new smaller coil. I was able to turn the wire 9 times and the electro magnetic field was a lot stronger in this new coil.

In my search for more information related to anti-gravity, I came across the name Stan Deyo on YouTube and watched his conference on anti-gravity. Again I caution you to sift through the information. I was intrigued by the device he mentions using particle board, iron cores and wires set in 3 series of 10 electro magnets to create a torsion field. I am putting together a pile of scrap material to attempt this type of levitation design. I will continue this blog when I have obtained sufficient materials to begin construction.

In closing for this portion of the blog, I will state my theory and opinion. I believe that there is not one lone device that will produce the anti-gravity effect which I seek but rather a combination of various devices used in combination. I will share more on this theory as I do more experiments. I invite people coming to this blog to share their ideas because collectively, we will create the necessary device to put a stop to fossil fuel for our main method of transportation. Thank you and I will share more on the next post.

Sirius 8 LY

2 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations!!! This is a lot of work, but I know you will succeed.

  2. I do research about antigravity and I can give my tinking my mail is
