jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010
High Resistance
Today is the 16th of September. The other day I increased the guage of one of my cables and it seemed to prevent further vaporization of my cables so far. I was noticing that my return to the negative terminal was overheating rather quickly. I decided to patch all my negative returns to an aluminum plate and then through the circuit again and finally back through the aluminum plate and then the negative terminal of the 12 volt battery that I am using. The result: I have managed to reduce some of the overheating problems in the negative wire. With that said, however, I am getting equal heating in the positive lead as well as the negative although not as drastic as before. Even with this overheating partially resolved, I am still pondering why my 110 volt neon lamp is not kicking on. That´s it for now. Thanks. Sirius8ly
viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010
Some Progress and More Frustrations
I am posting these photos in the hopes that an electrical engineer who can guess what it is I am trying to do, will throw me a line and help me to understand why my cables keep burning up in a fine vapor. Thank you.
viernes, 11 de junio de 2010
Why Anti-Gravity?
Some have asked me why in am involved in gravity shielding research or have taken such an interest in it. It all started with my own personal sighting that I experienced in 1999. It was either June or July in 1999 and I was viewing the night sky with my 8 inch reflector telescope. When I am observing, I see many satellites passing overhead as well as planes and helicopters in the distance. I had been observing for the last two years and feel that I have a pretty good eye for identifying objects in the sky. That is until this particular night. As I was trying to put an astronomical object into the view finder of my telescope, I noticed a satellite approaching in a normal satellite trajectory. This satellite was traveling as fast as satellites usually travel, around 30,000 miles per hour (correct me if I am wrong, someone.) and then something odd happened. This object was about 42 degrees up from the horizon and clearly in earth orbit. As it came directly in front of where I was viewing, it began to slow down and then stop. this object then faded and then reappeared approximately 20 degrees to the left of its original position. After that, it simply faded from visibility. The night was clear and starry. I could see this object moving in relation to the background stars and there were no trees nor clouds to obstruct my view. If you know anything about satellites, you understand that in orbit, you can not stop with out entering into earth's atmosphere and then of course you would burn up. It is just impossible for a satellite to come to a dead stop in space, at least not with out the control of a pilot or a remote ground operator.
My first thought was that it was a UFO and even at that time, I defined it as such. Unidentified Flying Object. I didn't first go to aliens. My first thought was MILITARY. But whose? I had the deepest sense that it was operated by humans and it was from there that I became interested in this phenomenon. I have been researching this subject ever since and of course have to make adjustments to my thinking often as new theories and evidence comes forward.
It is now 2010 and until then, I have not really talked about what I had witnessed to many people as to avoid being treated as a loon. I have found, however, something which validates exactly what I saw and feel compelled to share it with you in this blog. I came across a YouTube video which shows exactly what I saw in that summer month. A ufologist by the name of Ed Grimsley captured many hours of video of the type of craft that I saw and many others using night vision scopes and video cameras. The link is as follows:
I hope you take the time to view it and let me know what you think.
Now on to circuits. I am not a very patient person and I needed to move forward with my project so I decided on a Bendini Circuit to handle the main functions of my coils. I hope that the person I spoke with earlier will help me to design a bigger and better one with a higher frequency capacity. But for the time being, I will have to be satisfied with the Bendini Circuit. That is all for today. Please write me and let me know how your project is going. Thank you.
My first thought was that it was a UFO and even at that time, I defined it as such. Unidentified Flying Object. I didn't first go to aliens. My first thought was MILITARY. But whose? I had the deepest sense that it was operated by humans and it was from there that I became interested in this phenomenon. I have been researching this subject ever since and of course have to make adjustments to my thinking often as new theories and evidence comes forward.
It is now 2010 and until then, I have not really talked about what I had witnessed to many people as to avoid being treated as a loon. I have found, however, something which validates exactly what I saw and feel compelled to share it with you in this blog. I came across a YouTube video which shows exactly what I saw in that summer month. A ufologist by the name of Ed Grimsley captured many hours of video of the type of craft that I saw and many others using night vision scopes and video cameras. The link is as follows:
I hope you take the time to view it and let me know what you think.
Now on to circuits. I am not a very patient person and I needed to move forward with my project so I decided on a Bendini Circuit to handle the main functions of my coils. I hope that the person I spoke with earlier will help me to design a bigger and better one with a higher frequency capacity. But for the time being, I will have to be satisfied with the Bendini Circuit. That is all for today. Please write me and let me know how your project is going. Thank you.
sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010
Where are my circuits?
I have made a request to someone to help me with the circuits to this device and finally one of the electric engineers that I contacted, contacted me via email the other night. I will keep his name confidential unless he gives me permission to release it as to avoid him being ridiculed. He is in his final weeks in his masters in electrical engineering and as you know, any true academic wanting to get publicly involved in this line of work runs the risk of ridicule. It is only once this person has success that he or she can show his or her work. This is also when people come out of the wood work and say, "I believed in him all along."
Back to the electric engineer. He was asking me a series of questions like, what am I basing my beliefs that this project will work, what do I know about electricity, chemical compositions, etc. I must say that I rather enjoyed all the questions he was asking as it gave me a chance to elaborate on what I do know and express without shame the stuff I do not know. The stuff I don't know is the best as it gives me the greatest opportunity to learn and discover new things. It reminds me of something that the chief scientist at Lockheed Martin said during an interview with David Sereda. I won't try to quote him exactly but it went something like: If you know something, I don't want to talk to you as "It" is already in production but if you wonder about something, if you are curious, now we have a wonderful place to start. I admit I am horrible with quotes so if I really botched it, I am sorry.
In my last blog, I didn't elaborate much on the gravity shielding coil and I make a lot of assumptions regarding who is reading this blog. I assume that if you are interested in anti-gravity, you probably did a lot of research into anti-gravity before coming upon my blog. I also made the assumption that you have watched tons of videos and read mountains of web pages and or books related to the field. Well as my father always used to say, "when you assume, you make an Ass out of you and me (ass U me)." Here is where I make my apology and try to shed some light on what it is I am doing. My coils are arranged in a configuration so as to direct the electromagnetic energy from the top to the bottom and then recycle the same energy up through the top again. Although I do not totally understand the mathematics of Lentz Law, I am attempting to utilize the principles throughout this apparatus. As the electromagnetic fields are smashing into one another and growing at odd angles, the magnetic fields will be in a constant battle to correct themselves. This battle will result in an energy that has to go somewhere. This force is unseen and begins at the sub-atomic level where even the materials that I am using will undergo a subtle change. When the battle for change becomes too great around the area of the device, I am hoping to see either levitation or more realistic, a small change in weight.
Speaking of weight loss, I have plans once the device is charged with the appropriate circuitry to take this to a nearby university and use one of their scientific scales. If I can prove that this device is indeed exhibiting a loss in weight, I will have the proof I need to take this experiment to phase two. Phase two is where I build a duplicate model but twice the size. Using the same circuitry and same amount of power, connect it to the larger device. If this shows an exponential weight loss, then I have enough proof to ask for funding and build the full size version which can be either car sized or better.
I did want to take this opportunity to ask that if any other electric engineer wants to volunteer his or her thoughts and lend a hand, please post your comments here and let me know how we can be in contact.
I know that there is much more that I have not included in this blog but as I know how to put into words what is in my mind, I will share more.
Thank you for reading.
Sirius 8 light years
Back to the electric engineer. He was asking me a series of questions like, what am I basing my beliefs that this project will work, what do I know about electricity, chemical compositions, etc. I must say that I rather enjoyed all the questions he was asking as it gave me a chance to elaborate on what I do know and express without shame the stuff I do not know. The stuff I don't know is the best as it gives me the greatest opportunity to learn and discover new things. It reminds me of something that the chief scientist at Lockheed Martin said during an interview with David Sereda. I won't try to quote him exactly but it went something like: If you know something, I don't want to talk to you as "It" is already in production but if you wonder about something, if you are curious, now we have a wonderful place to start. I admit I am horrible with quotes so if I really botched it, I am sorry.
In my last blog, I didn't elaborate much on the gravity shielding coil and I make a lot of assumptions regarding who is reading this blog. I assume that if you are interested in anti-gravity, you probably did a lot of research into anti-gravity before coming upon my blog. I also made the assumption that you have watched tons of videos and read mountains of web pages and or books related to the field. Well as my father always used to say, "when you assume, you make an Ass out of you and me (ass U me)." Here is where I make my apology and try to shed some light on what it is I am doing. My coils are arranged in a configuration so as to direct the electromagnetic energy from the top to the bottom and then recycle the same energy up through the top again. Although I do not totally understand the mathematics of Lentz Law, I am attempting to utilize the principles throughout this apparatus. As the electromagnetic fields are smashing into one another and growing at odd angles, the magnetic fields will be in a constant battle to correct themselves. This battle will result in an energy that has to go somewhere. This force is unseen and begins at the sub-atomic level where even the materials that I am using will undergo a subtle change. When the battle for change becomes too great around the area of the device, I am hoping to see either levitation or more realistic, a small change in weight.
Speaking of weight loss, I have plans once the device is charged with the appropriate circuitry to take this to a nearby university and use one of their scientific scales. If I can prove that this device is indeed exhibiting a loss in weight, I will have the proof I need to take this experiment to phase two. Phase two is where I build a duplicate model but twice the size. Using the same circuitry and same amount of power, connect it to the larger device. If this shows an exponential weight loss, then I have enough proof to ask for funding and build the full size version which can be either car sized or better.
I did want to take this opportunity to ask that if any other electric engineer wants to volunteer his or her thoughts and lend a hand, please post your comments here and let me know how we can be in contact.
I know that there is much more that I have not included in this blog but as I know how to put into words what is in my mind, I will share more.
Thank you for reading.
Sirius 8 light years
lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010
Main Drive Gravity Shielding unit complete
I am pretty darn excited. I finished the main coils today and now await the electric circuit component to finalize this project. I struggled with the design for some time the other night and I couldn't help but feel something was missing. I went over some of my notes and did some more research on the subject and was able to include into the design what I felt was missing. In the final aspect of the design, I included a coil of silicone steel with a regular magnetic coil. This may or may not be the only element I add as I am still in the experimental phase. I would love to incorporate the rodin coil if it becomes necessary and/or a ferro fluid for a different type of anti-grav effect. I am getting ahead of myself for the moment so I will stop here and just show you the photo of the drive unit without the connectors or the Nav control. Maybe in a later blog I will include a 3d rendering of the navigation controls and how they are incorporated into the design. Ok, I'll shut up now and just let you look at the photo. Thank you and good night.
Sirius 8 light years
Sirius 8 light years
domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010
The work has now begun
Well, the work on my coils has now begun and I wanted to share the photos and invite you to view the video I finally recorded and submitted to youtube. The link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATgmEin0xLg and I am also going to post it along side the blogs. You can also go to youtube and type in Anti-gravity coil and find it there. So, pictures are worth more than a thousand words so I will simply post them and let you comment about them or ask me to specify if there is any doubts. Thank you. Sirius8ly
viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010
What, 2010 and no anti-gravity yet!?
What, 2010 and no anti-gravity yet!?
Here we are in the year 2010 and we still (as the general public) do not have anti-gravity. Why? As I was walking home from work and passing in front of the National Auditorium in Mexico City, I couldn’t help but notice the grandiosity of it. After noticing the grandeur of the auditorium, I took notice of the surrounding skyscrapers. This made me wonder, if the people could coordinate an effort of this magnitude to erect such large structures or buildings, why then could we, as the general public not work together to create a ship capable of electro-gravitic propulsion?
Putting aside the fact that we do have the technology, albeit in secret, I believe the reason is that we, as a society, are being dumbed down. We have many things to discourage us from believing that this (anti-gravity) is even possible. Tactics such as disinformation is a powerful weapon to confuse us. The military and our own governments attempt to convince us that they do not possess this technology and later plant in one way or another that these ships that people are indeed witnessing must use extra-terrestrial technology. They then, with the same breath of air say that extra-terrestrials do not exist. Look at George Orwell’s 1984. I believe that they called that “double speak”. Next is what I like to call text book science. This is a confusing message sent to our youth perpetrated by unknowing, well intentioned teachers. This text book science tells our youth to discover, discover, discover yet subtly has them believe that all there is in the text book is the limit to science. They put up the imaginary wall without even saying there is a wall ahead. I don’t blame these teachers. They had the same teachers that did it to them. Scientists come upon this limit in two ways. 1.) There job only requires that they use what they know and nothing more. 2.) If a scientist suggests that this limit can be penetrated, he or she is subjected to ridicule which could have the consequence of him or her loosing work, credibility, or both.
Humans are incredible creatures. We are fragile entities yet powerful when put together for a common goal. Really, there is nothing we can’t do when we are truly unified. Just imagine that instead of coordinating an effort to erect a large building, we banded together to build a large ship based on electro-gravitic propulsion.
In closing, I leave you with this. The sky is not the limit but just a thin layer of light blue on a sunny day and nothing more.
Here we are in the year 2010 and we still (as the general public) do not have anti-gravity. Why? As I was walking home from work and passing in front of the National Auditorium in Mexico City, I couldn’t help but notice the grandiosity of it. After noticing the grandeur of the auditorium, I took notice of the surrounding skyscrapers. This made me wonder, if the people could coordinate an effort of this magnitude to erect such large structures or buildings, why then could we, as the general public not work together to create a ship capable of electro-gravitic propulsion?
Putting aside the fact that we do have the technology, albeit in secret, I believe the reason is that we, as a society, are being dumbed down. We have many things to discourage us from believing that this (anti-gravity) is even possible. Tactics such as disinformation is a powerful weapon to confuse us. The military and our own governments attempt to convince us that they do not possess this technology and later plant in one way or another that these ships that people are indeed witnessing must use extra-terrestrial technology. They then, with the same breath of air say that extra-terrestrials do not exist. Look at George Orwell’s 1984. I believe that they called that “double speak”. Next is what I like to call text book science. This is a confusing message sent to our youth perpetrated by unknowing, well intentioned teachers. This text book science tells our youth to discover, discover, discover yet subtly has them believe that all there is in the text book is the limit to science. They put up the imaginary wall without even saying there is a wall ahead. I don’t blame these teachers. They had the same teachers that did it to them. Scientists come upon this limit in two ways. 1.) There job only requires that they use what they know and nothing more. 2.) If a scientist suggests that this limit can be penetrated, he or she is subjected to ridicule which could have the consequence of him or her loosing work, credibility, or both.
Humans are incredible creatures. We are fragile entities yet powerful when put together for a common goal. Really, there is nothing we can’t do when we are truly unified. Just imagine that instead of coordinating an effort to erect a large building, we banded together to build a large ship based on electro-gravitic propulsion.
In closing, I leave you with this. The sky is not the limit but just a thin layer of light blue on a sunny day and nothing more.
lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010
Family Dinner
Well that was a bit humiliating. I was at a family dinner tonight and I made the mistake of asking my mother-in-law's boyfriend if he knew where I could get my hands on some silicon. As he is a chemist, I felt my inquiry was innocuous. When he inquired why, I told him I was doing some experiments with super conductors. He then proceeded to make fun of me in front of the family saying the next thing I should try and get is a cape and an outfit with a super hero logo. This kind of ridicule is very common place here in Mexico as well as in the United States for those doing their own experiments in this field. Even though I did not even mention anti-gravity, the mere thought of someone without a college education trying to carry out scientific experiments of any kind is "laughable". Need I remind you all of the most famous inventors that brought us wonderful discoveries such as Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, or Harry Ford. Neither of then had a formal education nor a diploma yet changed the world as we know it today. What if they had listened to those same kind of people that naysayed them or boo hoo'ed their work. The fact is that they, like myself, read a lot about science and had a strong desire to discover what had not yet been discovered. In my case, I am only trying to recreate what already exists but is being kept secret. Can all the people, all the millions of people who clearly saw crafts in the sky performing incredible moves with unheard of speeds be lying? Can it ONLY be extra-terrestrial space ships that they are seeing? I think not. We know just how secretive the United States and Russian, not to mention other countries, are when it comes to hiding military technology. Well, I leave you with this: Do not listen to people who say it can't be done when they are not even willing to investigate the discoveries that have already been made in this field. Remember the Wright Brothers! A great number of people told them, "If we were meant to fly, God would have given us wings." I know that is sounds that I am speaking bad of Mexico and I want to be really clear. I love Mexico. Mexico has given me wonderful opportunities that the United States has not. The people here are warm and generous (well, outside the subway) and it is an extremely interesting place to live. The only thing I am trying to say is, how can you be interested in a subject as strange as anti-gravity seams to be, when you don't even know about it? It is my hope that this blog inspires some people living in Mexico to take an interest in this field and carry out their own experiments and hopefully share them here in this blog with the "Anti-gravity" development community. That's all for today. Thank you.
Sirius 8 Light Years
Sirius 8 Light Years
lunes, 26 de abril de 2010
Core design and measurements
For anyone interested in building the same thing that I am experimenting with here, I have included an image that I hope will help. I hope to be able to afford mu Metal in some future date for the core but for the moment, I will just be using an iron core and then surrounding it with a thin wood outer shell. The design is the same that I included in my earlier blog with the exception of measurements. I will be using 1/8 inch thick by 1/4 inch wide flat copper in two direction at 70 - 75 degree angles to one another. More on this later once I do a mock wire wrap. So, here it is. Any questions, please email me at sirius8ly@gmail.com.
Ahh, one more note. You will notice that I am using both metrics and standard in the picture. You must use one or the other. The measurements are proportional and will be accurate in either measurement. Thank you.
Ahh, one more note. You will notice that I am using both metrics and standard in the picture. You must use one or the other. The measurements are proportional and will be accurate in either measurement. Thank you.
coil core design
martes, 20 de abril de 2010
Ugly coil, interesting discovery
I did some experimenting today and made an interesting discovery. I will let the true scientists tell me what it means. All I will do here is tell you what I did and what the results were. Over the weekend, I made a new Rodin coil and is it ever ugly. I used an 8 inch hose taped together with electrician tape. I then stripped a very heavy guage wire(what guage? I don't have the slightest idea.) to wind one Rodin coil style wind one way and then the second wind in the other direction according to the Rodin coil directions. The whole contraption looks like a rusty bicycle tire.
Thank you,
Sirius 8 Light Years
lunes, 12 de abril de 2010
New, Better and more powerful coil continued.
I spent some time over the weekend putting together that new coil I mentioned in my last blog. This design does work as far as creating a good electromagnetic field. I must caution that you need to be careful if you are going to put together this kind of coil. The coil uses un-insulated copper wire in two directions. The current is put into the first wire running in one direction, then a diode or timer swithes the current into the other wire running the other direction. Do not at any time touch the wires while it is connected as you will get a nasty shock.
Sirius 8 Light Years
jueves, 8 de abril de 2010
New, Improved and more powerful.
Well, with another trip to town center, I finally was able to purchase about 30 meters of magnetic wire and as impatient as I am, I wound my new Rodin coil with a total of 12 turns for each section of the Rodin coil. It isn’t the 27 turns I was hoping for but I had a chance to test it on a small neo-dim magnet I purchased while I was in town. I connected both sections to my old battery charger (and yes I was able to get it working again) and watched as the neo-dim magnet spin to life and then cling to the side of the coil wires. How exciting! It will be more exciting when I finally purchase the DC power supply and create the dual phased circuitry.



Now that that phase is complete it is time to start working on some new types of coils that I hope to have completed within a month. These new coils are based on the work of Stan Deyo and are a scaled down smaller version. Those who are not familiar with Stan Deyo’s work can watch all of his videos on YouTube to understand what I am trying to achieve. I am using the center portion of used rolls of tape, one a bit larger than the one in the center to create a coil that uses right angles. See fig. 1. I then will use electrician tape to insulate the entire coil before winding the device. See fig. 2. I will be using flat copper from sheeting and pulsing voltage alternating between the two wound sections of wire. I am shooting for 27 winds in both directions thus forming an X pattern. Anyone familiar with Deyo’s work knows exactly what I am talking about.
Those who have read my blog up to this point may have discovered that I don’t like to reinvent the wheel and I borrow freely from other people in the field. I make no apologies about this nor do I feel bad in doing so. What I am trying to do is piece together all information related to anti-gravity and attempt to carry out these experiments rather than theorize or hypothesize on paper weather they will work or not. On paper, anti-gravity is useless and does not exist. In my hands, building, using trial and error, with what ever materials are available to me, anti-gravity is a definite possibility. Keep coming back as I add more and more experiments to the blog.
Ok, now it is time for shameless begging. I am looking for donations. No, I don’t mean money, although money would be nice, I am referring to donations of broken electrical items, aluminum cans (uncrushed and clean), 3 liter plastic soda bottles, electric tape, and any amounts of wire or copper sheeting. This all implies that you live in Mexico City otherwise you would have to send it via mail and frankly, that just cost too much money. With that, I thank you and encourage you to be a follower (seguidor) of this blog. Together we will create anti-gravity.
Sirius 8 LY
Ok, now it is time for shameless begging. I am looking for donations. No, I don’t mean money, although money would be nice, I am referring to donations of broken electrical items, aluminum cans (uncrushed and clean), 3 liter plastic soda bottles, electric tape, and any amounts of wire or copper sheeting. This all implies that you live in Mexico City otherwise you would have to send it via mail and frankly, that just cost too much money. With that, I thank you and encourage you to be a follower (seguidor) of this blog. Together we will create anti-gravity.
Sirius 8 LY
viernes, 2 de abril de 2010
A new coil and a new set of headaches
I am now down one power supply. I opened the charger only to find that I fried the transformer. What did I expect? Well the device is very old and taped together in many places. I may have to wait on the magnetic wire and save my money for a decent DC power supply. I am hoping that I can find one surplus but you know how that goes here. More on this soon, I hope.
Thank you.
Sirius 8 LY
domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010
Levitator Prototype explained

1) The dome is aluminum. Aluminum is a dielectric and if you see the capacitors below the Deyo device, they are connected to the aluminum dome. I hope to use around eight in series. I need to build a circuit that times the charging of the capacitors to full capacity and while one has discharged into the aluminum dome it begin to recharge. One by one I need all the capacitors to discharge while the one behind it recharges. All of this I need to happen in quick succession. This concept is based on the Biefeld Brown effect. You can learn more about the Biefeld Brown effect by going to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biefeld%E2%80%93Brown_effect. I am hoping for an Ion wind propulsion effect which I admit isn't anti-gravity but at least it will aid in the lift I am aiming for.
2) In the Stan Deyo device, I am hoping, as the creators said should happen (we will see) is that a magnetic vortex is produced and a torsion field creating a true anti-gravity effect. Like I said, we will see how true this is as I am willing to give it a go and invest some time in puting this coil together.
3) The last phase of this experimental prototype will be the transducer. I am hoping to create a sonic vibration that matches as closely as possible to the physical structure of the device. In theory, if I can create a wave of vibrations equal to that of the devices, I should be able to cancel out the gravitational field that is holding it in place. I cite the works of John Hutchison in this portion of the experiment as he has been known to bombard a 60lb weight with high energy sonic waves and after a short while, the weight levitates. This with only 75 watts of electricity. You can find some great video clips on this unique individual at YouTube or by going to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyscSun3VkA&feature=fvsr.
Well, as always, I welcome any contributions and comments. Remember, together, collectively, we will devise a solution to creating anti-gravity transportation.
Thank you.
Sirius 8 LY
Lack of money should not be a limit to imagination or discovery
I am writing this article from Mexico city and I wish to remain anonymous. Therefore I am simply going by Sirius8ly. I chose that name from my astronomical observing days when I would marvel at how Sirius would sparkle like a brilliant colorful diamond alternating between red, blue, green in rapid succession.
Anti-gravity has been a life long fascination with me and at 40 years of age, the fascination has only grown with the years. I make it clear that I do believe that extra terrestrials exist but I view this subject with a skeptical eye and firmly do not believe that all the UFO's that have been sighted are from other worlds but rather are private sector crafts. This blog is being created to invite a community of curious minds to volunteer/share ideas and maybe learn some things about anti-gravity along the way. If you noticed by the title of my blog "Antigravity on a shoestring budget" I wanted to share the fact that I work as an Teacher on a Mexican salary, which is not much, and in Mexico city, aside from salaries being really pathetically low, items cost an arm and a leg not to mention electronic devices. The culture here is very different from that of the United states when it comes to sciences of this nature. With that said, you do not find many science based toys in the stores nor things to stimulate the minds into curiosity about space travel, levitation, etc.
In this blog I will provide links to interesting sight related to anti-gravity as well as show the progressions of my experiments which I am carrying out with little to no money. I began my experiments about 2 months ago by putting together a Rodin coil (my first electro magnetic coil) designed by Marko Rodin. You can find information on how to build a Rodin Coil on YouTube by following this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PncTZQ5G0Gw . From here you can find a variety of other related sights on constructing a Rodin coil. In learning about the Rodin coil and some of the mathematics related to the coil, I began to have a basic understanding on how anti-gravity may possibly function. I will let you draw your own conclusions as you explore the many web sites on this theme. I would like to warn you that there is a great deal of disinformation as well as non-sense so be as objective as possible and don't take every thing as the truth. I cite the case of Bob Lazar on anti-gravity. While Bob Lazar may have actually worked at area 51 or 52 or whatever, I believe that his story is fantastic but I don't buy it in its entirety. It feels as if there is some truth to what he says which makes his story sound so credible. I do, however, need information like that of Bob Lazar as there are hidden clues with in the disinformation and lies that can be sifted through to gain clues that may help you in your own investigation.
I built my first Rodin coil using a plastic hose which I bought for 15 pesos (roughly $1.20). I would have rather used a torus from the Fischer Price ring toy but I couldn't spend the 125 pesos ($10) on it and you can't just find things like that very often in the open market because almost nobody throws things like that away. Speaking of not throwing things away, you can hardly salvage anything which is another one of my many obstacles. If you want to obtain surplus items, good luck. When something breaks down here, the people either have them repaired or sell them to the vendedores de Fierros (scrap iron sellers). So if you want to get a broken down microwave or a non functioning washing machine motor, you have to pay for it. I am used to living in a throw away society which in itself is not a good thing until you want what other people are throwing away. I mean, think about it, who wants to pay for a broken down microwave oven? Absurd! Well not so absurd here. It makes perfect sense and is better for the environment when you are not used to living in a throw away society and in an economic system that does not benefit the local community. My Rodin coil was 8.5 inches in diameter and was supposed to consist of at least 13 winds but on the 5th wind, my magnetic wire broke and so I was forced to settle on 5 winds thus reducing the overall electro-magnetic field. I plan on creating a Rodin coil with at least 27 winds using pulsed alternating current at a very high frequency. The coil wire I purchased in Mexico City center cost 3 pesos per meter and I obtained 20 meters.
I had not received my pay and was anxious to build a smaller coil but with more winds but how was I going to build a new coil if I had no money to buy a torus? In Mexico, the people have this beautiful ability to invent things out of practically anything to suit their needs rather than rushing to the store to buy this or that. I had to adopt the same thinking if I was going to continue in my endeavors of building an anti-gravity drive system with little to no money. I searched the storage of the house that I am living at in an attempt to find something that would work. I found nothing outside so I began a new search in mine and my wife's bedroom. I saw the new box of play-doh and it was clear what I needed to do. I grabbed a can of tuna from the cupboard and started to form a tube of play-doh around the tuna can until I had the rough form of a torus like that of the Fischer Price ring toy. I sat the torus shaped play-doh outside in the hot sun for an hour. When it was sufficiently hard (but not too hard) I brought it into the house and wrapped the play-doh torus with electric tape. The new play-doh torus was perfect as it was rigid enough to hold the wires yet flexible enough to allow the penetration of the guide pins. I took the magnetic wire off the older coil that I had constructed and wound them on the new smaller coil. I was able to turn the wire 9 times and the electro magnetic field was a lot stronger in this new coil.
In my search for more information related to anti-gravity, I came across the name Stan Deyo on YouTube and watched his conference on anti-gravity. Again I caution you to sift through the information. I was intrigued by the device he mentions using particle board, iron cores and wires set in 3 series of 10 electro magnets to create a torsion field. I am putting together a pile of scrap material to attempt this type of levitation design. I will continue this blog when I have obtained sufficient materials to begin construction.
In closing for this portion of the blog, I will state my theory and opinion. I believe that there is not one lone device that will produce the anti-gravity effect which I seek but rather a combination of various devices used in combination. I will share more on this theory as I do more experiments. I invite people coming to this blog to share their ideas because collectively, we will create the necessary device to put a stop to fossil fuel for our main method of transportation. Thank you and I will share more on the next post.
Sirius 8 LY
Anti-gravity has been a life long fascination with me and at 40 years of age, the fascination has only grown with the years. I make it clear that I do believe that extra terrestrials exist but I view this subject with a skeptical eye and firmly do not believe that all the UFO's that have been sighted are from other worlds but rather are private sector crafts. This blog is being created to invite a community of curious minds to volunteer/share ideas and maybe learn some things about anti-gravity along the way. If you noticed by the title of my blog "Antigravity on a shoestring budget" I wanted to share the fact that I work as an Teacher on a Mexican salary, which is not much, and in Mexico city, aside from salaries being really pathetically low, items cost an arm and a leg not to mention electronic devices. The culture here is very different from that of the United states when it comes to sciences of this nature. With that said, you do not find many science based toys in the stores nor things to stimulate the minds into curiosity about space travel, levitation, etc.
In this blog I will provide links to interesting sight related to anti-gravity as well as show the progressions of my experiments which I am carrying out with little to no money. I began my experiments about 2 months ago by putting together a Rodin coil (my first electro magnetic coil) designed by Marko Rodin. You can find information on how to build a Rodin Coil on YouTube by following this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PncTZQ5G0Gw . From here you can find a variety of other related sights on constructing a Rodin coil. In learning about the Rodin coil and some of the mathematics related to the coil, I began to have a basic understanding on how anti-gravity may possibly function. I will let you draw your own conclusions as you explore the many web sites on this theme. I would like to warn you that there is a great deal of disinformation as well as non-sense so be as objective as possible and don't take every thing as the truth. I cite the case of Bob Lazar on anti-gravity. While Bob Lazar may have actually worked at area 51 or 52 or whatever, I believe that his story is fantastic but I don't buy it in its entirety. It feels as if there is some truth to what he says which makes his story sound so credible. I do, however, need information like that of Bob Lazar as there are hidden clues with in the disinformation and lies that can be sifted through to gain clues that may help you in your own investigation.
I built my first Rodin coil using a plastic hose which I bought for 15 pesos (roughly $1.20). I would have rather used a torus from the Fischer Price ring toy but I couldn't spend the 125 pesos ($10) on it and you can't just find things like that very often in the open market because almost nobody throws things like that away. Speaking of not throwing things away, you can hardly salvage anything which is another one of my many obstacles. If you want to obtain surplus items, good luck. When something breaks down here, the people either have them repaired or sell them to the vendedores de Fierros (scrap iron sellers). So if you want to get a broken down microwave or a non functioning washing machine motor, you have to pay for it. I am used to living in a throw away society which in itself is not a good thing until you want what other people are throwing away. I mean, think about it, who wants to pay for a broken down microwave oven? Absurd! Well not so absurd here. It makes perfect sense and is better for the environment when you are not used to living in a throw away society and in an economic system that does not benefit the local community. My Rodin coil was 8.5 inches in diameter and was supposed to consist of at least 13 winds but on the 5th wind, my magnetic wire broke and so I was forced to settle on 5 winds thus reducing the overall electro-magnetic field. I plan on creating a Rodin coil with at least 27 winds using pulsed alternating current at a very high frequency. The coil wire I purchased in Mexico City center cost 3 pesos per meter and I obtained 20 meters.
I had not received my pay and was anxious to build a smaller coil but with more winds but how was I going to build a new coil if I had no money to buy a torus? In Mexico, the people have this beautiful ability to invent things out of practically anything to suit their needs rather than rushing to the store to buy this or that. I had to adopt the same thinking if I was going to continue in my endeavors of building an anti-gravity drive system with little to no money. I searched the storage of the house that I am living at in an attempt to find something that would work. I found nothing outside so I began a new search in mine and my wife's bedroom. I saw the new box of play-doh and it was clear what I needed to do. I grabbed a can of tuna from the cupboard and started to form a tube of play-doh around the tuna can until I had the rough form of a torus like that of the Fischer Price ring toy. I sat the torus shaped play-doh outside in the hot sun for an hour. When it was sufficiently hard (but not too hard) I brought it into the house and wrapped the play-doh torus with electric tape. The new play-doh torus was perfect as it was rigid enough to hold the wires yet flexible enough to allow the penetration of the guide pins. I took the magnetic wire off the older coil that I had constructed and wound them on the new smaller coil. I was able to turn the wire 9 times and the electro magnetic field was a lot stronger in this new coil.
In my search for more information related to anti-gravity, I came across the name Stan Deyo on YouTube and watched his conference on anti-gravity. Again I caution you to sift through the information. I was intrigued by the device he mentions using particle board, iron cores and wires set in 3 series of 10 electro magnets to create a torsion field. I am putting together a pile of scrap material to attempt this type of levitation design. I will continue this blog when I have obtained sufficient materials to begin construction.
In closing for this portion of the blog, I will state my theory and opinion. I believe that there is not one lone device that will produce the anti-gravity effect which I seek but rather a combination of various devices used in combination. I will share more on this theory as I do more experiments. I invite people coming to this blog to share their ideas because collectively, we will create the necessary device to put a stop to fossil fuel for our main method of transportation. Thank you and I will share more on the next post.
Sirius 8 LY
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